Helicopter Flight Over Kings Canyon: Our Full Review

Our review of a scenic helicopter flight over Kings Canyon that showcases Australia’s spectacular outback from an aerial perspective. We decided to take a short helicopter flight over Kings Canyon and I have to say it turned out to be one of the best experiences we’ve ever had.

Not only did Amanda manage to overcome her fear and give it a go but she actually ended up loving it. Here’s how it happened. Convincing someone who’s scared of heights to jump into a helicopter and go on a helicopter flight over Kings Canyon, one of Australia’s most iconic landscapes sounds like a recipe for disaster right? Well that’s exactly what I did with Amanda. She’s always been scared of heights but with her birthday just a week away I figured it was the perfect time to try and talk her into it. I’d tried a few times before at different places but always had zero luck. Let’s call it an attempt at playing on a pre-birthday adrenaline rush.

Helicopter Flight Over Kings Canyon

Helicopter Flight Over Kings Canyon

The Plan

Amanda’s birthday was coming up in a week and I thought this would be a perfect little adventure before the big day. Plus a sunset flight over Kings Canyon? You can’t get much more epic than that. Amanda’s always been a legend about trying new things but heights have always been a “nah not doing it” thing for her. When I suggested the helicopter ride she looked at me like I’d just asked her to swim with crocodiles (she’s not real good with crocs either!). But after a bit of convincing she agreed to give it a go.

The Helicopter Flight Over Kings Canyon: Late Arvo Magic

The time for the the flight came around and we were both buzzing with excitement (well, I was; Amanda was more like wanting to stab me!). We booked the late afternoon flight which meant we’d get to see the canyon the afternoon golden light as the sun started to set. Perfect timing for some great views.

We rocked up to the helipad where Professional Helicopter Services was running the flights. Now I’ve got to give these guys a massive shoutout – they really are professionals in every sense of the word. Based in the Northern Territory they’ve been operating in some of the most remote and rugged parts of Australia for years. Whether you want a scenic flight over Kings Canyon, Uluru or anywhere else in the Red Centre they’ve got you covered.

The pilots are legends, too. Ours was calm, confident and had a good sense of humour which helped put Amanda at ease (well as much as you can ease someone’s mind when they’re potentially just about to shit their pants).

Amanda Just Before Take Off

Amanda Just Before Take Off

Take Off

As we boarded the helicopter Amanda’s knuckles turned white from gripping her seat. She gave me one of those “what the hell have you gotten me into?” looks but there was no turning back now. The rotors started spinning and before we knew it we were lifting off the ground.

I have to admit there’s something magical about taking off in a helicopter. It’s not like a plane where you’re stuck on a runway for ages. With a chopper you just lift straight up and suddenly you’re floating above the landscape. It’s unreal.

The View: Kings Canyon From Above

As we flew over Kings Canyon the late afternoon light was doing all sorts of spectacular things to the landscape. The red cliffs looked like they were glowing and the shadows stretching across the canyon floor gave the whole place a sense of depth and mystery. You could see the sheer size of the canyon in a way that’s just impossible from the ground.

The pilot pointed out all the highlights massive rock formations, the Garden of Eden waterhole and the sheer drop offs that make Kings Canyon famous. From above it all looked peaceful but also grand and rugged. You could even see the vast stretches of the Outback out way beyond the canyon going on to the horizon.

Amanda by now had stopped gripping her seat and was actually starting to enjoy the ride said through the headphones microphone, “This is bloody amazing.” I couldn’t help but laugh this was the same person who just half an hour earlier was ready to bolt from the helipad.

Overcoming Fear

It was really cool to see Amanda enjoying herself. She went from being scared shitless to grinning from ear to ear. Pointing out things below and soaking in the views. There’s something about being in a helicopter that feels more freeing than other ways of flying. You’re not stuck inside a pressurised cabin with 200 other people. Instead you’re in a small, agile machine that lets you feel a bit more connected to the world outside.

Amanda even admitted afterwards that she could see herself doing it again. I’m not sure if that was the adrenaline talking or if she’s really conquered her fear but either way I was stoked she loved it.

Update: I’m writing this a month after our helicopter flight over Kings Canyon and Amanda is still keen on doing something like this again. I’m currently working on convincing her to try a light plane and go for a flight over Lake Eyre! We’ll be at Marree again next year…

View Of Kings Canyon From A Helicopter (Plus Amandas Feet!)

View Of Kings Canyon From A Helicopter (Plus Amandas Feet!)

Professional Helicopter Services Helicopter Flights Over Kings Canyon

I can’t recommend Professional Helicopter Services enough. These guys know their stuff. They’ve been flying tourists and locals alike over some of Australia’s most rugged and remote areas for years and their experience shows. The whole process was smooth – from booking the flight to the take-off and landing.

Their pilots are top-notch, with loads of experience flying in the Northern Territory. Plus they’ve got a great sense of humour, which helps calm the nerves if you’re feeling a bit jumpy (Amanda can vouch for that). They offer a range of flights, from short scenic tours like ours to longer, more in-depth adventures if you want to explore the Outback in style.

We booked our flight at the front office at the Kings Canyon Resort where we were staying in our caravan. They were very efficient and very helpful.

Back On Solid Ground

After about 10 minutes in the air we started to descend back to the helipad. Amanda, who’d gone from terrified to thrilled in that short time was now actually sad the flight was coming to an end. We touched down smoothly and as soon as we stepped out of the chopper Amanda turned to me and said, “That was unreal. I’m so glad I did it.”

It was one of those moments where you know you’ve helped someone face their fear and come out the other side stronger. Plus, I reckon I’ve set the bar pretty high for her birthday present next week!

Final Thoughts

If you ever get the chance to take a helicopter flight over Kings Canyon, do it. The views are spectacular and if you’re lucky enough to go with Professional Helicopter Services, you’ll be in safe hands the whole time. And if you’ve got a mate like Amanda who’s scared of heights, give them a gentle nudge. They might just love it.

So, here’s to Amanda for being a legend and facing her fear head on. And here’s to more high-flying adventures in the future – just maybe not too soon!

Kings Canyon From Above

Kings Canyon From Above

Helicopter Flight Over Kings Canyon Photo Gallery